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Customer: ASCOMP Software Gmbh

Synchredible by ASCOMP Software is a program for data synchronizing, copying and saving. It allows to work easily with individual files or entire drive. Synchredible not only works when synchronizing files locally on your computer but also for synchronizing folders via an external network or when using a USB device.

Interface redesign for Synchredible
Made in 2012 year

Before release of new version of Synchredible – program for one click data synchronizing – ASCOMP Software company decided to redesign its interface. New Synchredible interface design had to look more modern, in Windows 7 style. However the situation of the key elements (tasks list, menu) and also main color theme had to stay unchanged.

We developed several variants of program redesign, using Windows 7 styles: gradients, gloss, semi-transparency. Then on customers demand we provided more radical changes with focus on usability: we made informative elements smaller and picked out more place for functional. 

Despite of big quantity of design variants we offered, customer didn’t like any of them. He decided to come back to old design variant and asked to bring the prepayment back. As the project hadn’t been finished we refunded the full prepayment. That’s the example our “100% quality guarantee” work. 

Interface redesign for Synchredible

What customer think about work with us:

We recently ordered several icons and boxshots and are very impressed of the great work of IconDesignLab! Being able to participate in design process using the dashboard is excellent. With this we can ensure to get exactly what we need in a very short time - GREAT!

Andreas Stroebel, ASCOMP Software GmbH
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